TOPS Permit

TOPS permits – the permits required to hunt endangered and threatened species – are not often part of the discussion when it comes to booking your hunt.

The reason for this is that most outfitters have onsite agents or permit books that make the actual process a lot easier and painless.

But what does this actually mean for you as the hunter and why do we have TOPS?

Some animals have been declared by the (DEAT) Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism as threatened or endangered species. DEAT was established early in 2008 and the board has highlighted these species as threatened or endangered. 

Threatened or Endangered Species

• Black Wildebeest 

• Bontebok 

• Cape Fox 

Blue duiker  

• Elephant 

Sharps Grysbuck 

• Honey Badger 

• Brown Hyena 

• Spotted Hyena 


• Leopard 

• Lion 

• Crocodile 


• Common Reedbuck 

• Black Rhino 

• White Rhino 

• Roan 

• Serval 

• Tsessebe 

• Cape Mountain Zebra 

• Hartmans Zebra 

Normally, your outfitter would have to request the permit before the hunter actually hunts the listed animal.

It’s important to make sure that this permit is completed accurately and that the necessary information is present, and clearly visible before departing. 

TOPS and Conservation

So, in a nut shell, TOPS is there to assist the hunter and the Department in accurately monitoring our endangered species.

An important part of being a hunter is conservation and we want to keep these species around and thriving for generations to come.