The Hunter’s Guide to the Elusive Royal Wildebeest Trophy

In the rugged expanse of the Eastern Cape lies Huntershill Safaris. We offer an extraordinary opportunity for hunters to pursue one of the most exclusive and revered trophies in Africa — the Royal Wildebeest. Known as the ghost of the veldt, this creature is the rarest of all wildebeest color variants. This guide is designed to provide hunters with the knowledge they need to ethically and effectively track and harvest this rare trophy.

About the Royal Wildebeest

royal wildebeest

The Royal Wildebeest, also known as the Royal King Wildebeest or ghost wildebeest, is the rarest color variant of the blue wildebeest. Unlike subspecies or hybrids, color variants occur naturally, showcasing the incredible diversity of the species. With an estimated 20 to 30 individuals in existence, sighting one is akin to finding a diamond in the rough. They are known for their unique and ethereal appearance, making them a highly coveted trophy for discerning hunters.

What Makes it Different to Other Wildebeest

The Royal Wildebeest stands out from its blue, black, golden, and Kings wildebeest relatives thanks to its distinctive coloration.

  • White tail, mane and beard
  • Pinkish colouration around the nose, eyes, and ears

This variant exhibits a unique shade that sets it apart, creating a radiant effect in the African sun. This majestic appearance, coupled with its scarcity, makes the Royal Wildebeest not just a trophy, but a symbol of the hunter’s skill, patience, and dedication.

Hunting the Royal Wildebeest

  • Preparation: Hunting the Royal Wildebeest requires thorough preparation. Understanding the animal’s behavior, habitat, and movement patterns is crucial. Hunters are advised to familiarize themselves with the terrain of the Eastern Cape and to equip themselves with suitable gear for long treks and varying weather conditions.
  • Tracking: Patience and keen observation are key when tracking the Royal Wildebeest. Look for signs such as hoof prints, droppings, and grazing patterns. Working with experienced guides from Hunter’s Hill Safaris can significantly increase the chances of a successful encounter.
  • Approach: Stealth and caution are paramount. The Royal Wildebeest is a wary animal, and a careful approach is necessary to avoid detection. Use natural cover and the wind’s direction to your advantage, moving slowly and quietly into an optimal position.

Shot Placement

Proper shot placement ensures a quick and humane harvest. When hunting the Royal Wildebeest, aim for the vital organs:

  • Broadside Shot: Aim directly behind the shoulder, approximately one-third of the way up from the belly. This targets the heart and lungs.
  • Quartering-Away Shot: Aim slightly further back than you would for a broadside shot, ensuring the projectile passes through the vital organs.
  • Frontal Shot: Although challenging, a frontal shot can be effective if aimed low, centered between the neck and the base of the chest, to reach the heart.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical hunting is a cornerstone of Huntershill Safaris. It’s imperative to respect the Royal Wildebeest and its habitat. Hunters are encouraged to take only clear, responsible shots, ensuring a swift and humane harvest. Additionally, adherence to local wildlife regulations and conservation practices is essential in preserving the rarity and beauty of this majestic Wildebeest for future generations.

Book Your Hunting Safari Today

In conclusion, the pursuit of this trophy is more than a hunt; it’s a testament to the hunter’s respect for nature, skill, and patience. Huntershill Safaris invites you to embark on this extraordinary journey in the Eastern Cape, where the legend of the ghost wildebeest awaits.